About FNA

So you’re looking for a root cause approach in your nutrition practice? This is it.

Interest in functional medicine and functional nutrition education has taken off over the last decade, and for good reason: practitioners are tired of the “pill for every ill” model of conventional medicine and tired of being stuck in their practice.

More and more providers are seeking ways to support their clients on a deeper and more effective level. They’re looking to expand their knowledge to truly help their clients get to the root of their health issues. They’re ready to think outside the box and provide solutions that actually meet their clients’ needs.

And they’re ready to help more people.

Enter: functional medicine. 

In its purest form, functional medicine is a root-cause approach to healing. However, functional medicine has the same problem as conventional medicine: cookie-cutter approaches to healthcare.

Programs promising to teach functional medicine modalities may only present part of the picture, which leaves clinicians trapped in the same position they were in with a conventional approach. They cannot bridge their foundational knowledge with their functional medicine education to implement REAL change and REAL results with their clients.

This is where functional education is failing practitioners: there’s a gap where most functional education ends and application to your clients’ care begins.

Knowing how to run functional labs doesn’t make you a functional medicine practitioner.

And knowledge only allows you to go so far with clients. In order to truly deepen your understanding of all the inner workings of the human body, take a REAL root cause approach with clients, and evolve and expand as a practitioner, you need a program that will do more than teach you how to run a lab and create a protocol.

If you learn functional medicine through a protocol-based lens, that doesn't provide you with the tools or skill set to rise up to the needs of the individual. ⁣Just as “a pill for every ill” doesn’t solve problems in conventional medicine, functional providers can’t slap a supplement and cookie cutter protocol on every imbalanced lab marker and expect to see real change.

You need a program that will provide not only a more in-depth understanding of interpreting labs but also how to integrate all the pieces into a protocol and treatment strategy.

This is exactly why Erin Holt created the Funk’tional Nutrition Academy.

Meet Erin Holt

Erin is an integrative and functional nutritionist. Through her transformative work with 1:1 clients and group functional medicine programs over the past decade, she has built a wildly successful business that helps thousands of people.

Erin loves to share her clinical AND entrepreneurial skills with the world, and does so weekly on her show, The Funk’tional Nutrition Podcast (3.5 million downloads to date!). Erin is also the founder, director, and lead instructor of the Funk’tional Nutrition Academy.

When Erin first started practicing functional nutrition, the vast majority of her clientele had been failed by the conventional model. After several years, however, her waitlist was filled with folks who had ALREADY worked with other functional providers—and still weren’t better.

At the same time, she had RDs and nutrition practitioners reaching out to her about mentorship. They had seen the thriving and successful practice she had built—a robust waitlist, multiple program offerings, client retention—and they wanted to do the same.

The more she worked with practitioners, the more she understood why they were struggling to help their complex clientele. While they may have spent a lot of time and money on different “functional” trainings, they were still unsure how to utilize and practice those learnings…and still unsure how to use a “think outside the box” approach with clients.

Erin found herself running into this SAME issue with each and every practitioner she worked with—so she decided to do something about this missing link and created the EXACT program she wished existed back when she started 11 years ago.

FNA gets deep into high-level functional medicine nutrition education concepts, going far beyond foundational nutrition education. FNA also places heavy emphasis on lab interpretation and application to client care.

By offering real case studies from real clients, live interactive Q+A & coaching calls, 1:1 lab review sessions, and monthly live master classes taught by industry experts, FNA is able to bridge the gap between functional nutrition knowledge, interpretation and clinical application. This results in greater confidence to create a transformative experience for your clients and grow your business.

You’ll have the opportunity to receive real-time feedback, learn from others, hone your skills, and grow confidence not just with deeper knowledge, but also in working with your clients and leveling up your practice.

FNA also recognizes that while honing your clinical skills is paramount to success, there’s more to owning or starting a successful practice than just clinical knowledge. This is why FNA also includes unique business trainings to support practice growth AND personal transformation.

We want you to establish yourself as an expert.

We want you to be so confident in your skills that marketing comes easily.

We want you to stop letting imposter syndrome hold you back from what you want to do.

We want you to stop seeing other people in your profession thrive and telling yourself "they can do it but I can't."

You’ll learn about course development, how to create your unique method, plus how to utilize mindset within the context of your functional nutrition practice.

FNA helps you structure your business in an effective way so you can help more people…without burning out.

  • If you’re looking to go beyond education and knowledge… 

  • If you’re looking for not just WHAT to do, but also HOW to do it…

  • If you’re looking to regain control of your time…

  • If you want to reach more people while still remaining authentic to yourself…

  • If you’re ready to expand your reach…

  • If you want to learn how to offer more WITHOUT burning out… 

I have been over the moon with my experience in this program!! I highly recommend FNA to my fellow practitioners looking to expand on their functional nutrition knowledge, education and application; as well as those looking to embark into the realm of private practice. You have everything to gain, and this program will not disappoint. This program was everything I needed and more—it helped me organize the knowledge I already had while further expanding my understanding of the content and enhancing my ability to utilize this knowledge in practice.

— Tania

online functional nutrition school

FNA is the school to get you there.

Our 14-month online functional nutrition certification program will teach you the tools to become an excellent functional practitioner.
Are you ready to dive in?