The Energetics of Being Seen
Social Media Growth & Business Expansion
A course that dives into the emotions, fear, limiting beliefs and subconscious blocks around being “seen” on social media and growing in your business.
Fear is a natural, primitive emotion that exists to keep us safe from danger.
Any time the ego mind perceives a threat, fear is a natural response. The ego wants to keep us safe, but sometimes it misinterprets “staying safe” as “playing small.” This is where fear can hold us back from doing, saying, or even being what we really want. And this is why limiting beliefs can get in the way of our growth. This fearful approach to being seen has become especially true in the online space, where fears of being misinterpreted, judged, or “canceled” run rampant.
Erin believes that when you’re in alignment, your energy is stronger than an algorithm.
There is more to business growth than strategy.
Erin worked with a private business coaching client that was doing everything BY THE BOOK. Her strategy was ON POINT. She was following the playbook that another very successful RD laid out for her… to the T.
She had great branding, a clear call to action for her offer, and even mapped out a social media calendar for herself.
But her engagement was poor, her discovery calls were not converting, and she was not getting the growth and clientele she had hoped for.
While strategy is HUGELY important (there’s got to be a method to the madness), there is MORE to business growth than just strategy.
Erin then worked with this client to get in touch with her own energy, and recognize where her own subconscious beliefs and emotional codes might be holding her back.
Learn how to understand, recognize & interpret how your subconscious beliefs might be holding you back from social media growth & business expansion.
Video AND audio for the entire course
Slide deck of the course
Printable workbook that guides you through the emotions, fear, limiting beliefs and subconscious blocks around being “seen” on social media and growing in your business
Specific meditation and breathwork practice for dropping into your body, moving through a block or clearing something in your physical body
Meditation and 7-minute breathwork practice created and led by Erin to ground and create a sacred for yourself
The Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine energies
How subconscious beliefs shape our reality
Where we struggle and how we can overcome it
Doing the inner work: Addressing incongruencies with what you want and your subconscious beliefs
Signs there might be a “block” in your throat chakra…and why
Self-censoring in the age of cancel culture
Developing an intuitive rapport with your life and body
Noticing what triggers you
Tangible ways to practice stretching your comfort zone
Goal setting to overcome blocks
Specific practices for getting in touch with your energetic Self
Course Intro
About Erin Holt
Erin is an integrative and functional nutritionist. Through her transformative work with 1:1 clients and group functional medicine programs over the past decade, she has built a wildly successful business that helps thousands of people. Erin loves to share her clinical AND entrepreneurial skills with the world and does so weekly on her show, The Funk’tional Nutrition Podcast (2.5 million downloads to date!) Erin is also the founder, director, and lead instructor of the Funk’tional Nutrition Academy.